Friday, June 19, 2009

The Pixie Hair Cuts

Pixie Hair Cuts

Pixie Hair Cuts

Growth of hair or haircut and life of the hair
Each part of the body has a certain goal to be useful. We cut our scalp hair and shave our newspaper of face because we do not like his growth to twist our glances (?)And see the stubbornness and the constraint of the body; it brings back the hair which we had cut. Isn't it sufficient pieces of evidence that the body contemplates the growth of the hair on the place where it adapts to much to the advantage of the skin and the bodies under him? In fact what we do is us cut the cuticle of the hair, which has several parts below C. - with-D. layer of Huxley, layer of Henley, vitreous medulla of layer, cortical substance, bulb of hair, papilla of hair, blood-vessel and then conjunctive fabrics of cuti-reactions, are the parts being under the end of the hair, which we cut.

The cutting of the hair is a repeated process affecting all the lower parts of the hair in which many changes occur before we see the cuticle still leaving the skin. After cut of the end of the hair, we cannot eliminate the harmful effect on the effectiveness from operation of the blood-vessel under the papilla. The contiguous blood-vessels ensuring blood entirety of the hair or the skin contiguous of the head and the face can not function completely according to the conceived effectiveness. In other words, the effectiveness of operation of the hair and the body is degraded, if not destroyed below. There is a stating in our old books of health duly approved by our ancestors and saints whom the cutting of the beard could harm gums and teeth. This evil can be in the form of weakening or of weakness in gums and the putrefactions of the teeth. Can this related on the malnutrition and the inefficiency of the blood globules of the hair, which is subjected to the frequent cuts at its ends? I feel that any cause of disturbance on the external body is dependent to affect the interior body can be in one of long life. It is right like the continuous friction of the bucket of diagram of cord of the water of the well and having for result the manufacture of a groove on the brick wall of the well. I can be badly and would like to have a reasonable correction of your end. I correlate just theoretical aspects.

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